Dear Visitor:
Welcome to the Paul Gruchow Foundation Web-site! Incorporated in Minnesota in February, 2007 as a tax exempt charitable oganization, our mission is to help increase appreciation for Minnesota author Paul Gruchow’s writing and to foster awareness of the relationship between nature, creativity, community and mental health -- themes that are important in Paul’s life and work. Our goals are to encourage dialogue about creating sustainable natural and human communities, to be advocates for mentally ill and other marginalized persons, and to explore the role creativity and imagination play in mental health. A Paul Gruchow center, library, newsletter, annual retreat, and community based Artist In Residence program are projects for which we are currently seeking funding and other support. Your contributions and personal involvement are critical to making these dreams a reality.
This web-site will support our mission by making literary work by and about Paul Gruchow available to a wider readership, by providing information about Paul Gruchow and his legacy, and by providing information about the evolving work of the foundation bearing his name.
Louis A. Martinelli – Founder and Director
The Paul Gruchow Foundation